Rivatuner Custom Minimalist FPS Overlay Free Download 2025


To use “Custom Minimalist Overlay 1 2025.ovl” and “2nd FPS.png” as a profile in RTSS (RivaTuner Statistics Server), follow these steps:

1. Copy the Files

  1. Copy “Custom Minimalist Overlay 1 2025.ovl” and “2nd FPS.png” to the RTSS OverlayEditor folder:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\RivaTuner Statistics Server\Plugins\Client\Overlays
  2. Make sure the files are correctly placed inside this folder.

2. Load the Overlay in RTSS

  1. Open RTSS.
  2. Click on OverlayEditor.dll in the plugin list.
  3. Click Add Overlay and select “Custom Minimalist Overlay 1 2025.ovl”.
  4. If required, set “2nd FPS.png” as an image layer in OverlayEditor.
  5. Save and apply the changes.
How to Install and Set Up Barlow Bold Font in RTSS

 Step 1: Download and Install Barlow Font

  1. Download the Barlow font from Google Fonts:
    👉 https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Barlow
  2. Extract the ZIP file if needed.
  3. Open Barlow-Bold.ttf and click Install.

Step 2: Change Font to Barlow Bold (Size 7) in RTSS

  1. Open RTSS and go to OverlayEditor.dll.
  2. Select the text layer you want to modify.
  3. Click on Font Settings.
  4. Choose Barlow Bold from the font list.
  5. Set the font Size to 7.
  6. Apply the changes and save.

Ensure you select Barlow Bold and set Size 7 for proper visibility.


FPS Overlay Download Link Given Below


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Attique Ur Rehman

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